About Gothenburg Jazz Orchestra
Gothenburg Jazz Orchestra
Promotes jazz in Gothenburg. Jazz is fun!
Gothenburg Jazz Orchestra is a professional big band that is passionate about spreading and promoting jazz in Gothenburg and the whole country. We create jazz events that tell a story and stimulate new music. All the time with one foot in tradition, one in Swedish jazz history and one in the present. We want more people to discover jazz and big bands and we want to be a meeting place for all of this. We also want to be an inspiration for young aspiring musicians and music creators.
Gothenburg Jazz Academy
Joining the Gothenburg Jazz Academy means that you get an insight in what it actually means to be a professional musician, when you are driven and take that step. This is going to give you the opportunity to try and feel it out before you decide whether you want to invest fully or not. Are you interested in taking a place in our academy? Please contact Mats for further information at mats.eklund@goteborgjazzorchestra.se

Founded in 2018
Since the start in 2018, founders Johnny Olsson and Mats Eklund have had their sights set high. Johnny with a background of running professional big bands in Stockholm and Mats background in the non-profit world in Gothenburg. Together they created the base for a very successful collaboration, as they both worked with other big bands and finally decided to combine their experiences and form a new band aiming for the top.
The venue Contast Public House was found early through friends, where the restaurateur, Christian Vikman, wanted to invest in a breadth of offerings. Through the concept ”first Monday of every month” as the base of the business, they were able to branch out and start collaborations with Nefertiti, Musikcentrum Väst, the Göteborg Artist Center, the Cultural Council, Kulturrådet, Göteborgs kommun, Högskolan för scen och musik, Sveriges Radio, etc. Everyone wants jazz!
They are very proud of the collaboration with Georg Riedel who likes the band and writes music for them. The band looks forward to many exciting musical adventures in the future.
Curious about our music?
There is no better big band to experience live. What a luxury to have it in Gothenburg!
Anders Nyrenius, audience
Support and collaborations
Do you want to sponsor or collaborate with us? Send an email to info@goteborgjazzorchestra.se and we’ll be in touch!